The Monarchy and machinery of government - the ailing King Rodregiuz, whilst a national icon for his deft handling of Alcazian interests during the First Europan War and the subsequent peace talks at Verdun, has retreated into a dangerous isolationism from affairs both national and international. As his mental health has slipped, many of his constitutional duties have been left to his ministerial advisers to do in his name. The Colonial Army is personally sworn to the King, perhaps explaining their absence overseas under the hand of the socialist minister of defence.
Beneath the King is the National Assembly and La Committee Grande (the house of review). The later is composed of a mixture of hereditary seats for the old aristocratic families and elected representatives of a land based franchise of the mainly rural regions. The National Assembly is composed by mass popular election by electoral division. From its ranks it selects the government of the day. The political parties therefore dominate the floor of the Assembly and, therefore, the government of the day. With a diverse array of strong political factions any government formed is inherently unstable. The whole situation is, essentially, unworkable.
Alcazia Grande - (AG) - Conservative nationalists with revanchist ambitions of restoring Alcazia's former glory. Strong links to both the rural aristocracy and new wealth, funded and advised by the (Ruskan) International New Order Movement (INOM) it has recently found a natural leader in the charismatic urban poet, Vallas.
Republica Alcazia - (RA) - centrist party of the non aligned middle classes and petit bourgeoisie. Increasingly irrevelant, though strong support amongst teachers and civil servants.
La Cruza - (LC) - 'The Cross' - Religious fundamentalist party, limited to a handful of mountainous poor provinces, where it has overwhelming support. Rightist, but have a different view of the Kingship than others of the monarchical disposition.
Federacion de la Alacazian Isquerdas - (FAI) - 'Federation of the Alcazian Leftists' - political wing of the Alcazian industrial labour parties. The most organised of the mass political parties, powerbases in the widely separated coastal cities and the capital. Member of the (Germanian sponsored and led) International Movement for Freedom (IMF).
Union Generale Territorialistas - (UGT) - 'General Union of the Territorials' - coalition of independent regional seccessionist parties, 'neutral', (later to split into loyalist and rebel factions).
Peon Organisation de la United Milles - (POUM) - 'Peasant Organisation of the United Thousands' - rural mass people's party, leftist.
Note on the militarisation of Alcazian politics - Following a general Europan trend, all of the parties and political forces maintain their own armed forces, in actuality if not formally. Thus, each of the parties, or their constituent bodies, has its own armed organistion. The function varies between party and place, from personal protection for leaders, to virtual control of parts of the countryside. The policia are in some ways aligned with the CG, the assaultos with the NA. The Army is divided, with much of the AH owing allegiance to the NA, the CA to the King. All in all, potentially very violent.