(Loyalist) Army of the Homeland (LAH) - conscripts, obsolete armour
Policia - poorly equipped regulars, motorised
Colonial Army (CA) - well equipped veterans, motorised,
Loyalist Militias (LM) - generally poorly equipped irregulars, horsed
Condorska Legion (CL) - well equipped veterans, modern armour and weapons
Italian Army (IA) - generally well equipped conscripts, light armour
Artillery: All units generally, apart from CA and CL, variable artillery support at start of war, increasing to plentifully supplied medium to heavy artillery.
The Alcazian Air Force (AAF) generally joined the rebels, meaning that the loyalists initially placed heavy reliance on IA and CL air support. By mid war, however, there were well equipped veteran Loyalist Air Force (LAF) squadrons capable of providing close air support in the manner of the CL.