The Greater Powers
Frankia - Popular Front national government, with limited ability to get involved in Alcazia due potential revolt in the catholic regions and the army, institutional bastion of the right.
Engaland - Unpopular Tory government staggers into an election year, British Union of Fascists popularity continues to rise in the polls.The King, having survived demands for his abdication, assumes a carefree manner with Mrs Wallis.
Germania -The socialist dictatorship of Der Kamerade continues to concentrate on further industrialisation and rearmament. Soon to liberate Austria from the civil chaos presently holding it in its grasp. Internationally, acts through the International network of the IMF, and conducts regular purges both at home and abroad against alleged members of 'Das Bruderen'.
Italia - National Front government of El Conte pursues an increasingly bombastic policy of expansion and aggrandizement in North Africa (such as its ongoing war in Crevassinia). Seeks to reenter the big league of industrialised nations.
Ruska - New Order military dictatorship has reimposed the monarchy and serfdom, struggling to reindustrialise after years of neglect. Pursuing 'Peace at all costs' agenda internationally. Industrial magnates operate almost independently internationally under the International New Order Movement (INOM).